Welcome to China Anchu Energy Storage Group Limited!
China Anchu Energy Storage Group Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together the “Group”) are principally engaged in the sales of industrial products to customers located in Saudi Arabia, the sales of menswear apparel, brand licensing and sales of energy storage battery in the PRC.
Industrial Products
The Group sells automotive, motorcycle and other industrial products to customers in Saudi Arabia with a business partner who is having 49% of the equity interest of the Subsidiary. The business partner has over 15 years of extensive experience in selling auto parts with strong network of marketing in Saudi Arabia and supply chain in PRC. The Group believes that the automotive market in Saudi Arabia will have good prospects for development under the current plan and seized the opportunity to enter into the automotive market with a strong partnership in business.
Menswear Apparel
The Group is a menswear enterprise in the PRC focusing on the sales of its branded menswear apparel and brand licensing.
Energy Storage Battery
The Company further expanded to the business of energy storage battery segment during 2022. Jiangsu HengAn Energy Technology Co., Ltd., an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired the intellectual property rights and fixed assets in respect of the production facilities of zinc-bromine flow battery (鋅溴液流電池) in 2022.